Hope everyone is enjoying the end of the summer! In honor of the upcoming school year, I wanted to share some STEM-related highlights from the summer!
First up: On Sunday, July 14, I attended a Climate Justice Rally, hosted by Mass Power Forward, in the Boston Common. One of the main messages for this rally was ‘Time is Up!’ since the legislative session was nearing an end and we wanted to urge our legislators to pass certain climate bills within the time window. Something I've come to truly understand in the past few years is the importance of integrating science with policy --- this is how we can fully implement the technological solutions at our disposal. Individuals of all ages from several different towns gathered together, and the day was fittingly hot and sunny, in the midst of a New England heat wave.
During the event, we heard from speakers including Grace Yang, one of the Massachusetts Youth Climate Coalition co-founders, who addressed the importance of enacting state legislation that accounts for climate justice communities.
We then marched through the Boston Common, carrying signs, singing, and chanting, and we ended at the steps of the Massachusetts State House, where we wrote chalk messages for our legislators to see.
You can also read this Boston Globe article about the event!